Senin, 10 Juni 2024

Alkalinity _ Neutraliza Bee asidu?

Alkalinity _ Alkalinidade
Alkalinidade mak sasukat kbit netraliza asidu minerals ion H+ iha be'e, tamba ne'e alkalinidade iha relasaun ho pH. Alkalinidade be'e kauza husi prezensa substânsia alkalinu nudar hidróksidu, karbonatus, bikarbonatus no, iha eskala ou ekstensaun ki'ik liu, mak silikatus  no fosfatus.

Alkalinidade maioria iha  be'e mai husi  kálsiu karbonatu, CaCO3, nebe'e mosu iha fatuk-ahu no rai. Kontaminasaun alkalinidade amenta a'as bainhira fatuk rahun ou rai nakfera tamba rai nakdoko ou ema halo eksplorasaun minerais.

Kalsium karbonatu kon~ese nudar dureza, bele klik iha link tuir mai atu haree klaru liu tan🙂
Link Liu ba deskobre ba Ita katak Kalsium karbonatu presiza halo eliminasaun tamba fatores negativu mak iha, maibe bainhira elimina maka sei afeta bee nakfilak sai asidu. Bee asidu ladiak uza iha kaldeira ( Boiler) ka makinas ho razaun feruzen tamba nee presiza hasae konsentrasaun pH ho kimika seluk fali. Tipu kimika saida mak bele uza😐? Ita sei hatene konaba ida nee iha konteudu seluk atu rezolve Alkalinidade 🙂

Tipus tolu Alkalinidade
Alkaliniade  klasifika tuir pontu final titulasaun (titration) asidu forte.

(1a)M alkalinidade = Alk = Total alkalinidade(pontu final: CO2 pontu ekivalênsia)
(1b)P alkalinity = Karbonatus alkalinidade(pontu final: HCO3- pontu ekivalênsia)
(1c)Káustika alkalinidade(pontu final: CO3-2 pontu ekivalênsia)
"M" refere ba'a methylorange, "P" refere ba'a pH indikador phenolphtalein. “M alkalinidade” mak normalmente ita bolu "Alkalinidade" ou "total alkalinidade"

Bainhira Alkalinidade a'as sei hamenus asidu ions Hno amenta bazik ions OH–  maka kontamina iha be nia laran.

pH tun 9.8–10.0 (nebe P Alk. menus husi 1/2 M Alk.):
CO3= 2 x P Alk.
HCO3= M – CO3 = M – 2P
OH= Zero

pH liu 9.8–10.0 (nebe P Alk. liu husi 1/2 M Alk.):
CO3= 2 (M – P)
OH= 2P – M
HCO3= Zero
Atu hatene konaba ninia valor, presiza analiza ho titrasaun tuir prosedimentu laboratorium.

  1. Rinse the graduated cylinder with the sample to be tested.
  2. Measure the appropriate size of unfiltered sample 10 ml and pour it into a casserole.
  3. Add 2 drops of P-Indicator (460-S0222).
  4. Fill the buret up to the zero mark with N/50 Sulfuric Acid (460-S0226). Note: If the sample does not turn pink, the P-alkalinity is zero. If the sample turns pink, proceed to the next step.
  5. Open the buret valve and add N/50 Sulfuric Acid (460-S0226) to the casserole in a steady stream of drops while stirring the sample. As soon as one drop turns the entire sample colorless, IMMEDIATELY close the valve.
  6. Check the buret scale and record the number of mL of 460-S0226 that was used to cause the color change, times by 100. Do not refill the buret. Use the same sample to test for M-alkalinity.
  1. Add 5 drops of special M-indicator (460-S0260) to the same sample used to measure the P-alkalinity. The color change will be from faint orange to salmon pink.
  2. Without refilling the buret, add N/50 Sulfuric Acid (460-S0226) to the casserole in a steady stream of drops while stirring the sample. As soon as one drop turns the entire sample salmon pink, IMMEDIATELY close the valve.
  3. Check the buret scale and record the total number of mL of 460-S0226 that was used, times by 100. (This also includes the amount of 460-S0226 used to measure the P- alkalinity.)

Se'e 2P>M ~ 2P-M=O 
Se'e P<2M ~ 2M-P      

Bele hare konteudu seluk tan iha Pajina Kualidade Be'e


Fatin RPVG+9VH, Betano, Timor-Leste

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